A New Journey

Again, it's been awhile. What can I say? I just can't keep up with myself. Good thing or not it is what it is. As always a lot has happened and honestly I'm not really in the mood to even go there right now with all I've been dealing with. Beside, it's in the past and I really need to learn to get over things and move on. So, I decided instead of hashing up old news I'll start with the now. I'm stealing from Nicki, again. =)
Here is my very first college writing assignment. I'm having a hard time not feeling that it's awful infantile but oh well. It's what the professor chose. Here goes...

Attending College
            I have chosen to attend college for a number of reasons. I realize the importance of a solid education and desire to be a good role model for my children. While I feel it has taken me longer than it should have to come to this conclusion I can now say that I know what I want to be when I grow up! I also know that I cannot expect to meet that goal without furthering my education and obtaining a degree.
            I am hoping to gain many things from the college experience. For one thing I lack confidence. I am definitely my own worst enemy and hope that during the learning process I can become my biggest advocate. I have developed bad habits of not giving myself the credit I deserve. I also want to expand my knowledge base in order to perform better and to be a more valuable contributor in whatever I do. By gaining knowledge I will also help myself with my first goal of gaining confidence. Of course I also hope and pray that when my college education comes to an end I will see myself with diploma in hand. I must have a degree in order to progress my career in the field of my choice.
            While I am hardly what I consider as technologically advanced I do have what I believe to be strong qualities that make me well suited to study in a technological age, the first of which is a strong desire to learn. All of my goals, both short and long term, revolve around me completing college and earning my degree so I am certainly motivated in that respect. Because I am not in a position to attend traditional classes I am well suited for on line courses. I also consider myself to be an independent learner. I have never enjoyed environments where one person lectures to a large crowd. I prefer to be given work to complete independently with the knowledge that I have plethora resources available to me should I need. And while I am as easily distracted by everyday life as the next person I am and will be disciplined enough to get the work done. I am confident I can trust myself to meet my goals in a non-traditional setting.
            I will employ three main methods to ensure my success as a college student. I will utilize my advisors to carefully choose which courses to register for without overwhelming myself and I will register for classes in a timely manner. I will plan wisely by literally scheduling myself days and times to address schoolwork in order to stay on task. Most importantly I am and will continue to keep a strong support system in place. I will share my goals and needs with friends and family who will encourage me throughout my schooling. I will take advantage of the feedback and guidance from my professor’s and counselors.
            I face many challenges and will need to be conscious of utilizing every source of help and encouragement during my time as a college student. I am already a very busy single mother of two with one full time and two part time jobs. It most certainly will be a challenge to assure that I keep my “appointments” (i.e. scheduled study time) and not allow myself any reasons for putting off my work and thus falling behind. I predict I will need to carefully coordinate and balance my obligations and needs with my children’s. Fear is and always has been my biggest challenge. I need to focus on the pros and not allow myself to become overwhelmed. If I do begin to feel that way I must make sure to utilize my support system.
            As I type this I realize that choosing to finish schooling at this time will be a great challenge. The truth is there will never be a good time. I know in my heart that I can do this; I need to do this; I want to do this. I have clear goals in mind that are reasonable and not unattainable. I will stay focused and disciplined as I navigate my way through and beyond this new endeavor. I am confident that my strengths and desire to better myself far outweigh my weaknesses and fears.


Nicki said...

You definitely have a full plate and I don't doubt for a second that, although it will be incredibly difficult at times, you can and will do this! Yes, use your support systems! You know where I stand in that aspect. I am here if you need anything...from a friend to study with (or next to) to someone who can proof-read a paper or someone to listen when needed! Just remember...one day closer to your degree!!!

Nicki said...

Hey...this blog entry is 2 months old. Cough up a new one! =)))

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